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My Crow 2024 review

I was seventeen when the first Crow movie hit theaters. It’s hard to imagine a better movie for an angsty teen in 1994. I was already a fan of the comic book and absolutely loved the movie. There are lines from the Crow that I still quote to this day! Obviously a lot has changed in the past 30 years. Art that I might have called “sincere” is now considered “cringe”. Everything today needs to be viewed through a protective layer of irony. You need to deliver a wink to the audience every once in a while to let them know you’re not actually taking this shit too seriously. Maybe it’s the Gen X in me, but sometimes I want to take this shit too seriously.



Triple Hell

You know what? Gabe actually really liked the new Crow, or as it is being called in higher-end circles, Le Crow Nouveaux. He says it feels like a throwback in the fun way. I'm curious, but not so curious yet that I would prioritize it over any other activity. I wonder if it's the same thing with a hard seven in game reviews - occasionally sevens are, in actuality, sevens. But there's also a handful of cases where the game is a nine for some and a five for others and the mechanism doesn't know what else to do with it. Also, hell is bad! It's not a first-choice destination.

The Third D

The potential of a third D is immense - however you might parse the phrase. It seems like there's a lot of cool stuff that could happen out there; it's a lot of room. Are we doing the best we could with it? Maybe not. It would be nice to have a point of comparison, like an alien world. I saw a TikTok that said that the James Webb Telescope had found city lights on a planet several trillion miles away, but then another TikTok a few seconds later said that the James Webb Telescope can't even see things like that. It was a heady couple minutes or so and I'm still whirling psychologically. In any event, we'll have to wait to see what others are managing to accomplish with their D.

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